Witcher 3 Important NPC Locations: Master Armorer, Barber & More

On this page, you can find map locations for important NPCs in Witcher 3, including the master armorer, blacksmith, runewright, barber, potion of clearance merchant, and others. These guys will make your life a lot easier, so knowing where they are is helpful.

Master Armorer Location

Master armorer yoanna location

The master Armorer – Yoana – can be found inside Crow’s Perch in central Velen.

Novigrad Master Blacksmith Location


Novigrad’s Master Blacksmith, Hattori, can be found in the southern part of the city.

Novigrad Barber Location

Want to get a new haircut or shave? Head over to the barber on the eastern side of Novigrad, near the Oxenfurt gate.

Trophy Turn-in Merchant Location


This alchemist, located just outside the Oxenfurt Gate of Novigrad, is one of few NCPs that will buy your monster trophies for decent prices. For example, you can sell an Ekimmara trophy for 500 gold. If you don’t see him, it may because it’s too late in the day, so meditate until it’s day time.

Potion of Clearance Merchant Location

Novigrad merchant selling Potion of Clearance

The potion of clearance resets all of your skill points when you use it, allowing you to re-specialize your points however you want. Several merchants will sell it to you, but the most straightforward choice is the herbalist in Novigrad, near the St. Gregory’s Bridge travel post.

Runewright Location

Runewright location

You can find the runewright far northeast of Novigrad, on the eastern shore of a lake in Upper Mill.

Gremist Location

Location of Gremist on Skellige, who also sells the clearance potion.

You can also buy a potion of clearance from Gremist, a druid located on Ard Skellige (after you finish his questline). He’s found close to Gedyneith, the sacred oak tree of Skellige’s druids.

You may also be able to buy the potion from another merchant close to Gremist, although I haven’t gotten him to show up yet.

Keira Metz Location

Keira Metz location (before you continue her questline).

You can also buy the clearance potion from Keira Metz while she is still in her hut in Velen (before you continue her questline).

Beauclair Dye Merchant Location

If you want to color your Witcher gear in different shades, your best bet is to buy dyes from the merchant in Beauclair, who is located near the Beauclair Port travel post.

Zerrikanian Saddlebags Location

Zerrikanian Saddlebags Merchant in Novigrad

Zerrikanian Saddlebags are the best pre-expansion saddlebags (Beauclair saddlebags from Blood & Wine are slightly better) and will increase your maximum weight capacity from 60 to 160 which is very helpful if you’re always looting everything you see.

You can either purchase them for 900 gold from a merchant in Novigrad’s Putrid Grove or get them for free from a horse race on the main Skellige Island.

Zerrikanian Saddlebags Horserace location on Skellige’s main island.

Triss Merigold’s House Location


Here’s the location of Triss Merigold’s house in Novigrad. Good to know if you’re trying to romance her.

Letho Location

Remember Letho from Witcher 2? As long as you chose not to kill him (in the simulated or real Witcher 2 save), he will appear in Witcher 3 at Reardon Manor, located in central Velen to the north of the Orphans of Crookback Bog travel post.

Oxenfurt Barber Location

The Oxenfurt barber is in the middle of the city, south of the Alchemy inn.

Oxenfurt Armorer Location

You can find Oxenfurt’s armorer near the marketplace.

Oxenfurt Blackmith Location

The Oxenfurt blacksmith is found in the southeastern part of the city. He’s missing during some hours of the day and typically shows up outside his house at noon. If he’s not there, simply meditate and he should come back.

Grandmaster Smith (Blood and Wine Expansion) Location

grandmaster smith location toussaint beauclair
Grandmaster Smith location in Toussaint.

Grandmaster Smith Lazare Lafargue starts the Scavenger quests for the Grandmaster tier of the Wolf, Griffin, Cat, and Bear witcher sets, as well as the brand new Manticore set, and is also the only smith who can craft them.

In addition, he also sells the best saddlebags in the game: Beauclair saddlebags (+110 inventory weight, 10 more than Zerrikanian).

Beauclair Saddlebags Location

beauclair saddlebags map location
Beauclair saddlebags map location

The Beauclair saddlebags are the best in Witcher 3. You can also get them for free from a chest at this location after helping the Knight Errant.

If you guys have any other suggestions for important NCPs, please let me know in the comments.

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